Adventure games

Never felt like you wanted to make an adventure game, but you don't have a story and are too lazy to make the graphics?
After Alex goes down the stone ladder, taking him to the beach, he finds a cloaked man sitting by the fire. The light of the lamphouse is now fixed on the sea as it was since Alex turned it on. The ship's crew must already have seen it, and soon, a boat will reach the meeting point where he is now. But this strange man was not in the plans. Is he with the kidnappers? If he is not, what will they do when they see him? Fast thoughts flood Alex's mind. Suddenly the man speaks...          

Chica Alien

Para continuar con la temática verde del blog (y subir algo alguna vez). Aquí hay un render de una esculturita tres de que hice.
Así muestro al mundo (Maco y Rocho) mis habilidades multimedia.

Incluso más fotos. Tonos verdes. Casa de Rolo, Güemes, Tucumán. Cámara de Maco.

Soy un asqueroso paisajista postalero amante de las contrapicadas. Es lo que voy a decir.